Here at Redeeming Grace, we know that everyone has a story. The beauty of the gospel is that no matter what your life's story is, Jesus has come to redeem it and give it another ending. That's why we proclaim that we can not stop speaking about what we have seen and heard!

Pastor Garvin R Floyd & First Lady Marria Floyd
Get to know the pastor
Dear Friend,
And I will give you pastor’s according to mine heart, which shall
feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15
In my call to ministry, I am reminded that the word of God has
instructed us that he that is considered the greatest are to take the
position of the least, thus becoming a servant to people. Even as the
son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his
life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). It is my honor that God has
chosen me to serve his people both spiritually and in the natural. 1 st
Lady and I are firm believers that this union is only made possible if we
live a life of integrity, conforming ourselves to the word of God. We
thank God for His son Jesus Christ in that, while we were sinners
Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Through Jesus dying on the cross and
his atoning blood, He has become our salvation. Though we have this
confidence of salvation we fully accept the responsibility to live a Holy
and Sanctified lifestyle not being conformed to this world but being
transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is
that good, and acceptable; and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
We’ve come to understand that information without inspiration is
merely head knowledge, which can dangerously puff one up. But it’s
only God’s word hidden in our hearts that produces fruit of revelation.
We welcome you to our church and to the kingdom of God!
Bishop and 1st Lady
And I will give you pastor’s according to mine heart, which shall
feed you with knowledge and understanding. Jeremiah 3:15
In my call to ministry, I am reminded that the word of God has
instructed us that he that is considered the greatest are to take the
position of the least, thus becoming a servant to people. Even as the
son of man came not to be ministered to, but to minister and to give his
life a ransom for many (Matthew 20:28). It is my honor that God has
chosen me to serve his people both spiritually and in the natural. 1 st
Lady and I are firm believers that this union is only made possible if we
live a life of integrity, conforming ourselves to the word of God. We
thank God for His son Jesus Christ in that, while we were sinners
Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). Through Jesus dying on the cross and
his atoning blood, He has become our salvation. Though we have this
confidence of salvation we fully accept the responsibility to live a Holy
and Sanctified lifestyle not being conformed to this world but being
transformed by the renewing of our minds, that we may prove what is
that good, and acceptable; and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).
We’ve come to understand that information without inspiration is
merely head knowledge, which can dangerously puff one up. But it’s
only God’s word hidden in our hearts that produces fruit of revelation.
We welcome you to our church and to the kingdom of God!
Bishop and 1st Lady
Redeeming Grace Outreach Ministries
Our Outreach Ministry's mission is
To love God first
To love God's people
To show others the love of Christ as it has been shown to us
To bring resources to our community and be a resource for our community.
Service Times
Sunday school
Sunday Morning
Wednesday Evening